Can’t Get a Job Offer? 2 Ways to Change That Today
Searching for a job can be an arduous process. It can be disillusioning when you’re exerting tons of effort without much progress. If you just can’t seem to get a job offer, here are two ways to change that today. Getting an interview but not an offer – are you prepared for the interview? Let’s […]
4 Tips to Staying Healthy at Work
Health and wellness in the workplace is a major concern for both employers and employees. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) cites that some of today’s top health-related challenges are diabetes, obesity, heart disease and stroke. But there are four specific ways you can stay healthy at work and feel better overall. 1. Quit Smoking […]
Should Temp Work Be on Your Resume?
A common question from job candidates is whether they should list temporary work on their resume. Since it’s not a formal, permanent position, there may be reservations about sharing the temporary job information with potential employers. But the answer to this question is an emphatic YES! Including temp work on your resume has some distinct […]