First, Second, Third… What Shift Works Best For You?
There are pros and cons to every shift in the workday. For some employees, working earlier hours during first shift is ideal. For others, it’s more practical to work during the night with third shift. Here’s how to find out which option is best for you based on your interests and needs. First Shift This […]
How You Can Combat Sleep Deprivation in the Workplace
The combination of a hectic work schedule and a busy personal life can often cause you to compromise your quality of sleep. These helpful tips can provide a solution so you can effectively combat sleep deprivation. Develop a Sleep Schedule It’s often easier said than done, but one of the best ways to get a […]
Does Texting Job Candidates Lead to a Better Candidate Experience?
The recruiting strategies your company uses heavily impact the caliber of talent you ultimately hire. And with fierce competition in many industries, it’s important to stay ahead of the pack. One of the newer trends is texting job candidates. But is this something that’s viable for your company? Consider Different Generational Preferences As you might […]