How Axiom Staffing Can Help in the New Year

How Axiom Staffing Can Help in the New Year | Axiom Staffing

As the New Year launches, manufacturing and industrial businesses are gearing up for a fresh start. From meeting increased production demands to optimizing workflows, the need for a reliable and skilled workforce has never been more critical. That’s where Axiom Staffing comes in. With years of experience in providing tailored staffing solutions, we’re here to […]

Working to Build Better Skilled Industrial Teams

Working to Build Better Skilled Industrial Teams | Axiom Staffing

A skilled team makes all the difference when it comes to how successful a warehouse will be. When teams are efficient, they’re able to make more deadlines, allowing for more business to come through the warehouse.  Building a strong, skilled team requires an overarching strategy and effort on a daily basis. This is a continual […]

How Can AI Help With the Recruiting Process?

How Can AI Help With the Recruiting Process? | Axiom Staffing

Ever feel like screening candidates and scouring resumes is a never-ending task? This is one of the most laborious tasks of an HR professional. But looking through piles of resumes is important because it means finding the perfect fit for your open position. So, how do you find the right candidate and try to save […]

Key Takeaways from the Great Resignation Era

Key Takeaways from the Great Resignation Era | Axiom Staffing

The job market has been like a roller coaster over the last couple of years. First, the pandemic wreaked havoc on nearly every single industry. On the heels was the Great Resignation, when workers had the upper hand in naming their wants and needs for their company or finding a different position that would provide.  […]

How a Ride to Work Program Benefits Your Recruiting Efforts

Long exposure of a busy city with traffic

Right now, 7.6 million workers in the United States receive some sort of employer-provided commuting benefits. If your company isn’t among them, it might be time to consider changing that. Not only are commuting benefits like ride-to-work programs good for your current employees, but they’re also good for your organization’s recruiting efforts. Here’s how: It […]

Can You Cut Recruiting Costs and Still Find Top Talent? YES!

professionals in a job interview

According to a recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average cost-per-hire is a little over $4,000.00. That’s a lot of money for one hire, and it adds up even faster when a company is looking to hire multiple people. So, how can you cut some of your recruiting costs without […]