Tapping into Your Network Could Be Your Key to a New Job
Whether you’re looking for a new position so you can move on from your current job, or you’ve been laid off and need to find employment as soon as possible, using your professional network can be an effective way to find the new position you want. After all, there is a reason you spend time […]
4 Ways to Make Your Resume Descriptions More Desirable
When it comes to your resume, your job descriptions and work experience are the real meat and potatoes. Other elements are important — education, volunteer work, etc. — but they’re just the icing on the cake. So how can you make sure your resume descriptions are as desirable to a hiring manager as they can […]
5 Skills Everyone Needs in the Digital Era
The modern employee can benefit themselves by maintaining a few critical digital skills. Even if you don’t use these skills directly in your job, knowing the ropes can help you better understand your position and others’, ultimately giving you a leg up on the competition. Let’s take a closer look at five skills everyone should […]
Retention- Keeping your Best People
Employee retention can have impactful consequences on a workplace, and affects everything from morale and culture to productivity and profitability. It’s easy to see why maintaining high employee retention is such a big deal for employers. In fact, a recent study by Future Workplace and Kronos found, “87 percent of employers cite improving retention as […]
Which Qualities Do Call Center Managers Want in Their Employees?
Working as an employee in a call center requires a person who possesses a distinct set of traits and skills. Not just anyone can handle the day-to-day pressure this position demands. There are certain qualities call center managers tend to look for when deciding who they should hire. Here are five qualities call center managers […]
Will Facebook Jobs Become a Legitimate Recruitment Tool?
Facebook is the world’s most widely used social media platform by a considerable margin. As of Q3 2017, it had 2.07 billion active users and still continues to see steady growth. On top of this, there’s a massive level of engagement. In fact, the average global user spends 20+ minutes on Facebook each day, and […]