How Engaged Should You Be on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is one of the top social media platforms for professional networking. As of mid-2019, roughly 610 million people used LinkedIn to make business connections and find jobs. And it can be highly effective when used correctly. From connections to posting to commenting and liking, here are some of the best ways to manage your […]
Have You Done Your Pre-Interview Research?
When preparing for an interview, don’t just consider about what you’re going to say – think about what you know. Be sure you’re knowledgeable about the company you’re interviewing with. Doing so should put you in the best possible position during an interview. Here are some tips for finding information and streamlining the process. Use […]
4 Ways to Get to Work If You Don’t Have a Ride
Being able to get to and from work is a critical part of holding down a job and staying in your boss’s good graces. But not everyone has the luxury of owning a vehicle. In fact, a recent study found, “An estimated 8.7 percent of U.S. households were without vehicles in 2016.” So, what do […]
What to Do When You Aren’t Completely Sold on the Job Offer
Here’s the scenario. You’ve received an official job offer from a company. However, it’s not ideal and you think you could find a better offer in time—perhaps even your dream job. You want to explore your options and find the right position to further your career but don’t want to offend a recruiter and squander […]
Kick These Bad Communication Habits to the Curb!
We communicate almost every second of every day, but are we getting too comfortable in what we do? It’s time to re-evaluate these communications to improve your management skills. Here are some common bad communication habits and how to correct them. Always Using Technology Over Direct Interaction Technology, like email, texting and instant messaging is […]
Have You Checked Facebook for a Job?
Facebook is the biggest social network by a landslide. There were over 2.3 billion active users as of the second quarter of 2018, which means nearly a third of the world now has a Facebook account. The number of features has grown immensely, with one of the newer ones being Facebook Jobs. Here’s what you […]