Why Being Rejected From a Job Could Be Great For Your Career

Not being selected for a job after the long job search and interview process can be difficult, but that just means you’re one step closer to success. This can work to your benefit and how to continue your job search. Getting “No’s” is an Inevitable Part of the Process On average, a job seeker will […]
4 Tips for Creating a Well-Balanced Resume

Your resume should be written to showcase the unique talents that you can bring to a job and be based on sound strategies. Here are some tips on what you should include in your resume. 1. Use Relevant Keywords Adding relevant keywords throughout your resume accomplishes two main things. First, it increases the likelihood that […]
Get Up & Get Going! 4 Ways to Get Motivated for Your Workday
Let’s be honest. Getting excited about going to work every day is difficult even for the most enthusiastic of employees. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can give you a spark and get you up and going. Here are four ways to get motivated for your workday. 1. Remember Why You Do What You Do […]
Should I Submit a Resume as a Word Doc or PDF?
Your resume is proofread and ready to go! Now, it’s time to submit it. But what format should you send in? Let’s find out. Two Main Types of Formats A Word Doc and Portable Document Format (PDF) are the two main types of formats that employers expect. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It’s […]
How Do I Start Working With a Staffing Agency?
You really want to find a job, so you decide to turn to the experts at a staffing agency. The only issue is you’re not quite sure how the process works. Here are the fundamentals of what you need to know and how to start working with a staffing agency. Decide Which Type of Jobs […]
How to Come Out on Top After Juggling Job Interviews and Offers
Here’s the situation. You’ve been put a lot of time and energy into your job search and have ultimately received multiple offers from two or more companies. This is certainly a good problem to have. You want to handle the situation correctly and land the best position for you. Here are some tips to ensure […]