Contribute to Forklift Safety, Even If You’re Not the One Driving

Forklift safety is essential to a warehouse workplace. But, forklift safety isn’t just in the hands of the driver — everyone in the warehouse needs to be aware of safety responsibilities. Here are some essential forklift safety tips, even if you’re not the one driving. Set a Speed Limit According to the Material Handling Equipment […]
5 Ways to Improve Safety in Your Warehouse

Following safety techniques is important in all workplaces, but it’s especially critical in a warehouse. This environment presents numerous safety threats. There are 5.5 workplace injuries recorded for every 100 full-time workers in the warehouse industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here are five specific ways to improve safety in your warehouse. 1. […]
6 Safety Precautions Warehouse Workers Can Take Into Their Own Hands
Working in a warehouse means you’re exposed to certain dangers on a daily basis. Whether it’s dealing with pallet racks, driving a forklift or loading/unloading materials, you need to be aware of your surroundings and remain diligent about safety. While your employer likely makes significant efforts, there are several ways you can take safety into […]