One Simple Trick to Meeting Your Goals
Setting goals is important for maximizing your productivity and making sustained progress. It gives you direction and purpose and provides a blueprint to making your dreams a reality. To increase the likelihood of meeting your goals, you need a game plan and a realistic approach. Here are some simple tricks that will help you on […]
Improve Mental Toughness with One Concept
There are several factors that can affect your job search and overall career progression. Some of which include your talent level, qualifications, adaptability and sheer luck. One factor that doesn’t necessarily garner as much attention, but is nonetheless important, is your mental toughness. What’s mental toughness? Attributes that help you handle difficult situations effectively. Being […]
Make Them Want to Read Your Cover Letter
While the cover letter may seem secondary to the resume, it arguably plays a bigger role in getting your foot in the door. After all, a hiring manager will often view your cover letter before deciding whether or not to check out your resume. This means you want your cover letter to stand out and […]