Ways to Find a Job That Aligns with Your Life’s Purpose

Ways to Find a Job That Aligns with Your Life's Purpose | Axiom Staffing

More and more employees are interested in working for a company that they can identify with on a deeper level. Instead of just working to make a decent living, people are more concerned with how their values and life purpose align with the mission and values of the company that pays them.  How Can You […]

Leadership Skills to Set You Up For Success

Leadership Skills to Set You Up For Success | Axiom Staffing

There are a lot of managerial opportunities, and while there might be a lot of qualified candidates based on skills or years of experience, quality leaders are harder to come by.  If you’re sitting in a leadership role or are hoping to be in one someday, consider how you can develop your leadership skills to […]

How to Build a Robust Supply Chain Network

How to Build a Robust Supply Chain Network | Axiom Staffing

A significant piece to the success of any business is a robust and efficient supply chain. When things are running smoothly, a company can be more efficient and profitable. On the other hand, when there are regular disruptions, it decreases profitability, causes unrest within the company, and can damage relationships for all parties involved.  Being […]

You Met a Connection at a Networking Event. Now What?

You Met a Connection at a Networking Event. Now What? | Axiom Staffing

Much of the advice you receive about networking is about how to make connections at an event. Let’s say that you’ve had a really productive event or trade show where you’ve had great conversations and made some promising connections. Now what’s your next step? How do you cultivate these connections to relationships or opportunities? What […]

Key Tips for Managing Stress and Working with a Clear Mind

Key Tips for Managing Stress and Working with a Clear Mind | Axiom Staffing

At some time or another, we have all felt the effects of stress. While short-term stress can actually help us grow resilience to overcome challenges, energize, and motivate us, chronic stress has the opposite effect. Ongoing stress can be harmful to our physical, mental, and emotional health.  Unfortunately, a large number of American workers are […]

Need to Take a Pre-Employment Assessment? Here’s How to Prepare

Need to Take a Pre-Employment Assessment? Here's How to Prepare | Axiom Staffing

Competition can be quite high when applying for a job. In fact, employers have noticed that a majority of applicants exaggerate their skills during the application process. Obviously, this can result in a bad hire and cost companies a lot of money.  One way that companies are trying to avoid hiring a candidate without the […]