Does Applying to a Job Late at Night Hurt My Chances?
Applying to jobs is as simple as filling out the necessary fields, attaching your polished cover letter and resume, and hitting the send button… right? It turns out that you might be hurting your chances in a way you never thought of: when you’re applying. That’s right — timing your application right can actually help […]
How to Find a Job That Pays Better
Do you want to find a job that pays better than your current role? Anyone can relate to this. You’re always trying to move onwards and upwards, including in the financial department. So, how can you go about finding a job that pays you what you really want and deserve? Establish yourself as an expert. […]
How to Maximize Your Time While Looking for a Full-Time Job
Looking for a full-time job can be quite tedious. It may take weeks, or in some cases months before you actually land a new position. So what can you do to make the most of your time and stay positive while you’re waiting? Here are some ideas. Find Jobs with Similar Skills If you’re not […]