How Do I Start Working With a Staffing Agency?
You really want to find a job, so you decide to turn to the experts at a staffing agency. The only issue is you’re not quite sure how the process works. Here are the fundamentals of what you need to know and how to start working with a staffing agency. Decide Which Type of Jobs […]
Recent Grads, Is Your GPA on Your Resume? Should it Be?
Recent grads — it’s the end of the summer, which means it’s time to get down to business on your job search. When creating a resume, do you know when you should include your GPA? Let’s find out. Data From a Relevant Study One particular study was performed to determine just how big of a […]
Staffing Essentials: 4 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Hiring Process
Effective hiring is essential to the success and longevity of your business. Unfortunately, many companies struggle in this area and have inefficient processes that cost them both time and money. A 2016 study by SHRM (potential virus warning when tried to open this link) even found the average time to fill a position is 42 […]
Best Ways to Handle Your Mistakes at Work
Mistakes are inevitable in the workplace. Even with careful planning and execution, errors will still be made. But you can often negate much of the impact by knowing how to handle this situation. Here are some tips for doing so. Everyone Makes Mistakes – It’s How You Move Forward As soon as you realize your […]