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Create a Culture of Customer Service in Your Organization

There’s no denying that companies with great customer service have a decided advantage over others who lack in this department – and it’s often a key contributor to longevity and profitability. In fact, “89 percent of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service.” Ensuring great customer service begins with the right attitude and striving to create a culture centered around it. Here are some ways to accomplish this.

Emphasize the Importance of Customer Service

Developing a customer-centric culture often starts with having the right mindset and getting your employees on board. This can be accomplished by explaining the specific benefits of creating a positive customer experience. Here are some statistics that demonstrate the significance:

  • Consumers are two times more likely to share their bad customer service experiences than they are to talk about positive experiences.
  • It’s six to seven times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing one.
  • 55 percent of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience.

The bottom line is that quality customer service increases a company’s profitability and plays a role in its long-term success. It can also serve as job security for your employees.

Provide Training

It’s not enough to just preach about the value of customer service – you need to train employees on how to excel at it. That’s why it’s smart to provide your employees with educational materials so they’ll have an in-depth understanding on what customers want and how to deliver. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to provide training for little to no cost – and there are numerous programs available online.

Encourage New Hires

New employees are like blank slates; it’s critical that you instill the value of customer service in them right from the get-go. During the onboarding process, make sure you thoroughly explain the emphasis your organization places on customer service. Make them feel welcome and encourage them to contribute to your customer service culture.

Reward Desired Behaviors

Recognizing the achievements of your staff and praising them for a job well done usually serves as a powerful incentive and encourages the continuation of great customer service. If you really want to break through to your employees, reward their positive behavior. In some cases, this could be as simple as acknowledging their good work. Other times, you may want to provide top performers with rewards like gift cards, prizes and workplace perks.

It’s possible for nearly any organization to create a culture of customer service as long as they take the right approach. By being diligent about it and empowering your team, you can ensure the highest possible level of customer service and build better rapport with consumers.

To learn more on how to run your business more efficiently and other staffing solutions, please contact Axiom Staffing Group today.

