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How to Find a Job During the Holidays

When December rolls around, days get busier, and schedules fill up with holiday fun and to-do’s. Often, people think that companies hunker down and close up their year, rather than consider any new hiring because of the holiday season. In reality, searching for a job in December can be opportunistic.

Why Looking for a Job During the Holidays is a Smart Move

Even though normal work productivity may slow down, ramping up your job search efforts is a savvy idea. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Beat the Rush. Instead of waiting until January, when most people act on their goals for a better job, get a head start. You’ll stand out and potentially catch the attention of hiring managers before there’s too much competition.
  • Network During Holiday Parties. You’re there to have fun, so be yourself and don’t dish out the elevator pitch, but casually get to know who may be able to connect you to the right job opportunity.  If you want to get someone’s information, just ask for it but follow up with them after the party.
  • Employers Have Goals, Too. They want to be prepared to welcome the new year with promise and preparedness, just like you. Finding the best employee, and getting onboarding completed before too much of January has passed is an optimum scenario.

How to Search for a Job Successfully in December

Not much will change from your traditional job searching must-do’s. Check off these items so you can stand out to potential employers.

Update Your Resume

Before submitting any application, take an evening to update your resume and any professional profile to be sure it’s up-to-date. What accomplishments can you add to it from this past year? Check to make sure it is concise and uses active words with quantitative proof of success when applicable.

Reconnect With Your Network

In addition to connecting with your colleagues during holiday gatherings and social events, make an effort to reach out to anyone on your social networks as well. Congratulate them on notable achievements, or just catch up. As you naturally reconnect, you can also seek advice or help from someone who may be able to lead you to a promising opportunity.

Give Back Using Your Skills

It’s the perfect season to give back to your community. In addition to your regular type of service interests, consider helping a local non-profit with your professional skills. Whether it’s simple administrative work, balancing their books, or training workers on a more efficient software system, there are plenty of ways to help. While this will eat up some of your time in a busy season, it’s a job that can truly help your community, and it’s a great resume booster.

Consider a Seasonal Job

A temporary or seasonal job is the perfect way to earn some extra cash while beefing up your resume as well. While most temporary jobs are just that, some have the potential to become stable positions. Another promising scenario could be meeting someone at the seasonal job who can connect you to a different opportunity that fits your long-term goals. 

Start the New Year with a Great Job

If you want to start your next year with a job that helps you achieve your career goals, contact Axiom Staffing Group.

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