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4 Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Hired

It’s no surprise that on the job search journey, you will face rejection. Even if you can expect them, rejections can still be hard to swallow. Thankfully, rejections are also incredible teachers if you can be open to learning along the job search journey as well.

In fact, understanding why you may not receive a job offer can not only help you improve your job search elements, but it can also lead to finding an even better job opportunity to propel your career.

4 Reasons Why You May Not Move Along in the Job Search Journey

Instead of facing rejection after rejection after rejection, wouldn’t it be better to move onward and upward after receiving a rejection? Understanding possible mistakes can help you improve upon them throughout the job search and application process. Self-improvement in the job search process is a healthy undertaking that can help you receive a job offer.

Why Knowing and Learning From Your Mistakes is So Valuable

Your Participation is Passive

If you want to get hired, you need to participate like you want it. Get motivated and search for jobs with a strategy that will help you find the right opportunity. Consider salary and benefits requirements, daily responsibilities, career goals, etc, and search for jobs according to these criteria. 

Then, of course, apply! One of the biggest mistakes that job seekers make is not applying to enough jobs that fit their job searching strategy. 

PRO TIP: When you decide to apply to more job opportunities, remember to make each application customized and tailored to the job description. Application volume doesn’t always equal quality unless you ensure that it does.

Your Interview Skills Need Work

With so much focus on the application process, some job seekers forget to focus on interview skills that can play a major role in receiving a job offer. Remember during your interview question preparation to also consider these basics:

  • Professional attire
  • Arriving on time (aka, a bit early)
  • Silence or turn off your phone (and watch)

Your Expectations are Too High

At the beginning of your job search, you created a strategy to help you find the job that is best for your lifestyle and career goals. But sometimes, job seekers’ expectations are not realistic, especially if it’s not backed by recent, localized research. Be sure that your salary requirements, benefits package preferences, and scheduling desires are realistic to the demands of the job and your experience level. When there is a disconnect in this area, job seekers are often turned away or turn down opportunities that would otherwise be a solid fit. 

You Didn’t Research the Company Enough

During the interview, there will be opportunities to communicate how well you’ve researched the company before arriving. If job seekers aren’t able to demonstrate their research efforts, this could move them off the shortlist and into the pile of candidates who won’t be getting another consideration. 

Conducting thorough research shows that you’re invested in the company, even if it’s just an opportunity at this point. Be sure to brush up on these areas:

  • CEO and executive team members
  • Company goals, mission, values, and how they execute on these
  • Elements of company culture
  • Specific responsibilities of the role itself

Land a Job Offer that You’re Dying to Accept

If you want professional guidance to help you find and land the job you’ve been dreaming of, contact Axiom Staffing Group.

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