What Type of Job is the Best Fit for My Personality Type?

When it comes to your job and career, it’s important to do something that you love. Otherwise, you’ll be unhappy day in and day out. But how do you know what kind of job is the best fit for you, your personality, and your long-term goals? The Myers-Briggs personality test divides people into 16 personality […]
Job Market Expectations for Q4 2021

2020 was an unprecedented year for job markets across the world. Not only did a record number of people lose their jobs, but many other jobs adjusted as the pandemic also took hold and lockdowns went into effect. Now that we’re coming out on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic, what can be expected […]
How Do I Explain My Large Unemployment Gap?

Plenty of people have an unemployment gap on their resume; it happens. Whether you were taking time in between jobs or you got laid off, it’s unavoidable in many cases. But it’s important that you don’t let your unemployment gap throw you off your game when it comes to getting a new job. Here are […]
Don’t Keep Making the Same Job Search Mistakes

Recruiters and staffing professionals see it time and time again: The same mistakes plague job seekers during their job searches and prevent them from securing the roles they really want. If you don’t pay attention, you might be committing some of these job-search errors, too. Let’s take a look at some of the most common mistakes so that […]
What Does it Tell the Recruiter if I Apply to Two Jobs at One Company?

Have you come across a company that has multiple job openings? Do you feel that you qualify for more than just one? What does it tell your recruiter if you apply to two jobs at the same company? It’s important to go about applying to multiple jobs at the same company in the right way. […]
How to Craft a Job Description That Yields Results

Is your company struggling to find and hire qualified candidates? The problem might be in an area you don’t suspect — your job descriptions. It’s important to realize that your job descriptions are a candidate’s first impression of your company. If they’re not crafted in the right way, you might be turning candidates off. Here […]