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What is An Average Amount of Interviews to Conduct Before a Job Offer?

Are you in search of candidates for a new job position you’re opening up? Need to fill a vacancy? You might be wondering how many interviews are usually conducted before a job offer is extended. While the process differs depending on the employer, there are some general guidelines that most interview rounds follow. Let’s take a closer look.

What’s the average number of interviews?

Most employers will select between six and 10 candidates to interview for any given position. Those candidates will typically go through two to three rounds of interviews, on average. However, many employers will require more interviews, sometimes holding five or six interviews before making a final decision. Generally speaking, however, candidates can expect to go through about three rounds of interviews before an offer is extended.

What do these interview rounds consist of?

In most cases, a phone interview is the first step in the process. A video call is also possible. The point of this first round is for you or your hiring manager to ask some initial questions to make sure the candidate is qualified for the job at the basic level. You’ll also be able to get to know the candidate a bit to evaluate whether or not they’re a good culture fit.

Candidates that are selected to move on will go to either a video chat or an in-person interview, probably with a hiring manager, a direct supervisor, or both. After that, if a third interview is warranted, you might have the candidate meet more members of the team or talk to someone higher up in the company, like a CEO.

What percentage of applicants get an interview?

According to Glassdoor, the average online job posting receives about 250 applications. Of that, only a small percentage will be selected for an interview — around two to three percent, on average. That means you’ll probably only select five or six candidates out of 250 applications for a given opening. From there, it’s just about narrowing it down and making the best selection for your company.

Not finding the qualified candidates that you’d like? Need help with your staffing and recruitment efforts? Look no further. Axiom Staffing Group can help — contact us to get started.

