4 Most Important Things to Include on a Resume

4 Most Important Things to Include on a Resume | Axiom Staffing

No matter what type of job you are searching for, a stand-out resume is a must to get hired. There are a few essential elements that every resume should include if you want to catch the eyes of a recruiter. Four Important Things to Include in Your Resume Regardless of the style or format of […]

Is It Bad if I Apply to Multiple Jobs at the Same Company?

man working on a laptop and thinking about something

It’s a scenario that many job candidates have come across at some point or another: they find an open position with a company that they’d like to apply for. Soon enough, they realize that multiple positions fit the bill. And applying to multiple positions at the same company only increases the chances of securing a […]

Why Am I Not Hearing Back From Hiring Managers?

Woman waiting to be called in for a job interview

Hello! I applied for a job! It can sometimes feel discouraging not to hear back from hiring managers, but what’s the deal? Why didn’t you hear back? Here are some common reasons so you can fine-tune your job search. You’re Under Qualified In many cases, you may simply lack the knowledge, and background recruiters want. […]

Why Being Rejected From a Job Could Be Great For Your Career

sign that reads "every failure is a step to success"

Not being selected for a job after the long job search and interview process can be difficult, but that just means you’re one step closer to success. This can work to your benefit and how to continue your job search. Getting “No’s” is an Inevitable Part of the Process On average, a job seeker will […]

Can I Use My Best Friend as a Professional Reference?

Two women at a table

Asking for a reference can feel awkward, so it’s easy to turn to a friend. But, is asking a friend your best option? Let’s analyze to see if this is acceptable or not. What the Experts Say Generally speaking, you shouldn’t use a friend as a professional reference if you’ve never worked together. Although they […]

Why You Should Apply to a Job, Even When You Don’t Meet All the Requirements

two professionals shaking hands

Have you ever stumbled across a job title, got excited, but immediately got discouraged after reading the requirements? Here’s some advice on how you can still be an ideal candidate, even if your job requirements need some work. Recognize That the Perfect Candidate Doesn’t Exist “No one fits a job description perfectly, and there is […]