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How Might You Form Stronger Relationships With Your Coworkers When Placed on a Temporary Assignment?

When you go from temporary assignment to temporary assignment, it can be hard to feel a sense of permanence. That makes it hard to form relationships with your coworkers, especially since you know you’ll be moving on eventually. But that doesn’t mean you can’t – or shouldn’t – try to connect with your coworkers. Having stronger relationships at work makes every team member better. And true friendships don’t end just because two people aren’t in the same physical place.  

How can you form stronger relationships during your temporary assignments? Here are four tips: 

Forming Strong Relationships with Your Co-Workers is Important

Be a good coworker. 

It will be hard to form solid relationships at work if no one thinks of you as a valuable member of the team. Be a good coworker – get things done, meet your deadlines, and provide help even if you’re not asked for it. When you show that you’re worth it, people will be drawn to you naturally.  

Be positive. 

No one likes to hang around a negative person all day long. If you’re downtrodden, defeating, and dismal all the time, it’s a safe bet you won’t be able to form great relationships. Be positive at work. That doesn’t mean you have to plaster a smile on your face 24/7 and fake it – just try to look on the bright side and think about how you can improve your coworkers’ days. It’ll make a big difference. 

Ask about activities and events around town. 

Ask your teammates about events and activities happening in the city where you’re placed. Most people will love telling you about their city and the goings-on there. And it’s a great way to segue into conversations about your hobbies and interests, which can help you connect with coworkers more easily. These conversations can even lead to spending time with your coworkers outside of your shifts if that’s what you want. 

Show your appreciation.  

When a coworker helps you out or has a big win, recognize it publicly. Show your appreciation for the hard work your team members contribute. Coworkers will remember that, and it really helps to form solid, trusting relationships – even on a temporary assignment.  

Have You Started Forming Stronger Relationships with Your Co-Workers?

Interested in temporary work? Looking for your next temporary assignment? Axiom Staffing Group can help. Get in touch with a member of our team to get started and search for open jobs here.

