Human resources departments have quite a variety of responsibilities on any given day. During a period of hiring, add even more tasks to their list. Advancements in technology over the last few decades have continued to streamline the myriad of to-dos for human resource professionals. In recent years, technological developments have only accelerated change and possibilities.
How Does Technology Impact the Recruitment Process?
Humans Work With Technology
While some people get concerned that too much technology can eliminate the needs of the HR employee, it doesn’t look like that’s accurate. Technology like AI can streamline tasks for recruiting, making the hiring process faster, more cost-effective, and can even help find the best candidates for the positions.
Two Main Ways Technology Is Impacting Recruiting & Hiring
Use Social Media to Your Advantage
Social media sites continue to evolve, and companies should be active on sites as well. Companies can utilize social media sites to get a better glimpse on their prospective candidates. It can be helpful to see their work history and achievements, personal or professional work, and industry expertise.
You might find information that makes you sure you’re ready to make an offer to the right candidate, or you may see something that makes you pause. Either way, using social media to assist in the recruitment process can help you find the right candidates.
Implement AI for Everyday Screening
Screening resumes for your open position take quite a bit of time. With so many other tasks to complete, using AI to screen resumes is a smart way to take advantage of the technology. AI can focus on main criteria like experience, qualifications, and skills to see if they match with the job requirements. AI matching also reduces any bias in the screening process.
Technology & Human Touch
So many advancements in technology have taken place over the years, and while they might take some adjustments to get used to, when technology is used astutely by professionals, it can save time, and money and even lead to better recruiting and hiring results.
Find the Most Talented Workers for Your Open Positions
When you have open positions, contact Axiom Staffing Group to help you find the best talent for the roles you need.