If you’ve found this blog, chances are you’re looking to embark on a new career path. No matter how you’ve decided this is your next move, if you prepare for it well, you won’t regret the journey or the outcome.
Switching jobs and careers is actually quite common. It’s actually very unlikely to begin your career in a job that makes you feel perfectly content. Some people learn this right away, while others do great work in a career path that doesn’t suit them for years before they realize they want something different.
New Job in a New Career Path? Here is How to Prepare
The Importance of Finding Work that Fills You Up
One of the biggest reasons people decide to find a new career is to do work that they are passionate about or that they enjoy.
While you may hear some people diminish the importance of finding a career that makes you happy, there’s merit to finding work that fills you up instead of drains you.
Sticking in a job or career that drains you can actually have a negative impact on your health and well-being. There have been several studies that show long-term dissatisfaction with work leads to a correlation with:
- Feeling exhausted and fatigued
- Weight gain
- Greater risk for illnesses
- Depression, anxiety
- Sleep loss
- Decrease in self-confidence
- Lack of interest in personal goals and development
Clearly, if you’ve begun your journey to find a career that fills you up, you’ve got the right idea in mind. Now follow these pointers to make your switch pay off.
How to Successfully Prepare for a New Job in a New Career
Take Off the Rose-Colored Glasses
When you’re changing careers, you need to be sure that you’re not caught in the, “the grass is always greener,” trap. It’s an easy trap to fall into. If you’re completely depleted at your current role and looking for a change, it’s easy to think everything will be perfect when you switch. Before making the jump, you have to do a reality check.
First, determine what it is about your current career or job that you dislike and what it is that you’re looking for. Where can you find it? Once you determine which career path will help you find it, it’s time for more research.
Now, try to find out as much as you can about this new role you’re considering. What does the day-to-day look like? What’s the typical compensation like? Be sure you not only look at the short-term entrance into the new career path but also look at the long-term progression you can expect in the field.
Identify Any Skills Gap
During your research, you should also identify which skills are necessary to be successful. Job descriptions for open positions are a great place to start. Create a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves for skills. Now, take an honest look at what you need to acquire to be able to fit this new role successfully.
If there’s a gap in what skills you have versus what you need to be successful in your new role, don’t get discouraged. You may just have to figure out where to get the proper training and/or certifications. This can definitely cost you more time and money on your journey to a new job in a new career, which is why it’s important to prepare and plan ahead.
Set Goals for Yourself
This career switch is about your success, so set yourself up for success by setting goals. Making goals and a timeline for yourself is key to staying focused and on-task. You might include new courses or certifications in your timeline or maybe you’re making an online portfolio of side work. By breaking down the journey to a new career into smaller steps, it’s less likely to feel overwhelmed and you’re more likely to be successful in your preparation.
Silence Self-Doubt
During this exciting time, it can also make you feel vulnerable. Even though you’re looking at switching careers for the right reasons, you are also stretching yourself. Learning and experiencing new things can be uncomfortable, but don’t let self-doubt sneak in. Be sure to remind yourself why you’re making a career switch and why you’re worth it.
Get the Expert Help You Need to Start a New Job
If you need help finding the right job for your new career path, contact Axiom Staffing Group.